对湖北武汉市5个绿地共51种园林植物的气体交换特性的研究表明:不同绿地间、灌木与乔木间、落叶与常绿植物间的光合能力(Amax)、蒸腾速率(Tr)和光合水分利用效率(PWUE)均有显著差异。绿地间的气体交换特性差异主要表现在物种间,不同绿地间的小气候或环境差异影响很小。根据51种植物的Amax、Tr和PWUE,可将它们划分为3大类群。其中大部分植物属于低光合低水分利用型(38种),其次为高光合高蒸腾型(10种),低耗水高水分利用型最少,仅有花榈木(Ormosia henryi)、银木(Cinnamomum septentrionale)和黄心夜合(Michelia bedinieri)3种。
The study on the gas exchange characteristics of 51 species of garden plants in five greenbelt sites in Wuhan showed that the photosynthetic capacity (Amax), transpiration rate (Tr) and photosynthetic water content of shrubs and trees, There was a significant difference in utilization efficiency (PWUE). Differences in the characteristics of gas exchange between the green space mainly in species, different green space or microclimate differences in environmental impact is small. Based on the 51 species of Amax, Tr and PWUE, they can be divided into three groups. Most of them belonged to low photosynthetic and low water use types (38 species), followed by high photosynthesis and high transpiration type (10 species), and low water consumption and high water use types were the least, with only Ormosia henryi, Cinnamomum septentrionale and Michelia bedinieri.