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  Textbook:Yang Limin, Contemporary College English Listening II, Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2014.
  Teaching Contents:Task 2 of Unit 10;
  Task 9 of Unit 10.
  Teaching Objectives:
  1. Students learn words and phrases;
  2. Students learn about history of Stonehenge and New York Subway.
  Skill: Students practice spot dictation.
  Critical Thinking:“What is a subway station to modern people?”
  Teaching Key Point:
  Students learn about the history of Stonehenge.
  Teaching Difficult Point:
  Students complete spot dictation accurately.
  Teaching Procedures:
  StepⅠ: Lead-in
  Good morning, class. Have you ever seen this picture?
  I bet you all have. Do you know what it is?
  Where did you first see the picture? I remember seeing it when I first got access to a computer and that picture was the screensaver. I also remember how I felt. I was like “What are they for?” I did not realize that I was asking an unanswerable question, a question still puzzling the world.
  Step Ⅱ: Task 2. Today we are going to learn something about the Stonehenge. Before we start listening, do you have any questions about it? Think about it and let’s see whether you can answer your own questions after listening.
  1. Students read the questions before listening.
  (1) When was the circle of stones put up at Stonehenge?
  (2) How heavy were some of the stones?
  (3) How might the stones have been transported to the Stonehenge?
  (4) How were the stones moved and placed in position?
  2. Students listen to the audio again and complete the sentences.
  There are many theories about the purpose of the stones. Stonehenge was certainly a meeting place. The stones have been arranged in a particular way to mark sunrise and sunset at certain times during the year. This may have been a place of worship of the sun and also an observatory. One interesting theory suggests that the stones were some kind of computer which was used to predict eclipses of the sun and moon.
  3. Students finish exercises and Teacher guides students on how to draw inferences.
  Step Ⅲ: Cultural Information: King Arthur, Merlin and the Stonehenge.
  Step Ⅳ: Task 9
  1. Students watch a video-clip to see New York subway.
  2. Students listen to the audio and complete the sentences.
  (1) Other subways had already been started in London, Paris, a few other places, but the geological difficulties of building an underground system on a crowded and rocky island were unique.   (2) It’ s easy to think that the only vertical variation in Manhattan is in the height of the skyscrapers, but New York City on the ground is anything but flat.
  (3) The early workers built most of the subway with a technique known as cut and cover. They dug a trench, laid the rails, and then covered it over again.
  (4) The cut and cover sections of the subway were built mostly by unskilled laborers, African-American and Irish and Italian immigrants. But Parsons knew he would need specialists for the tunneling sections.
  Step Ⅴ: Critical Thinking
  What is a subway station to modern people?
  Step Ⅵ: Revision and Conclusion
  1. Revision:
  2. Conclusion: What is history? Some believes in history lies all the secrets of statecraft, while some believes “Most history is guessing, and the rest is prejudice.” If it’s true to say history repeats itself, why are we so eager to know all the details in the history? We study history to widen our horizons, to understand that our present situation is neither natural nor inevitable, and that we consequently have many more possibilities before us than we had thought.
  Assignment:Watch BBC documentary Stonehenge to know more about Stonehenge.
【摘要】本文针对新目标英语八年级下册reading阅读教学中存在的一些教学误区展开探讨,提出解决策略,提高学生的阅读能力。  【关键词】八年级下册;阅读教学;误区;探索科学;英语阅读教学  【作者简介】徐芳,浙江省龙泉市顺风实验学校。  一、引言  义务教育阶段的英语课程具有工具性和人文性双重的性质。初中英语八年级下册reading的阅读把这两种性质体现得淋漓尽致!阅读的设置目的就是为了提高学生的
【摘要】自从“一带一路”提出以来,世界需要更多地了解中国,中国也越来越融入世界。所以新时代的中国需要更多具备跨文化交际能力的人才。作为我国教育改革的产物,独立学院,在人才培养方面,又一次面临新的机遇和挑战。特别是独立学院的大学英语教学,该如何进一步改革和完善,才能更好地承担这一任务。本文基于这个问题,分析了独立学院跨文化交际人才培养目标下的大学英语教学现状并提出了一些建议。  【关键词】跨文化交际
【摘要】本研究阐述了高职英语阅读在线开放课程的研究背景。基于对建构主义学习理论等相关理论的分析,从课程目标、课程内容、评价方式三方面提出了高职英语阅读在线开放课程建设的初步构想。并做出总结与展望。  【关键词】高职英语阅读;在线开放课程  【作者简介】张慧(1984.07.23-),女,汉族,陕西延安人,硕士研究生,延安职业技术学院,讲师,研究方向:英语教育。  【基金项目】本文系2019年度陕西
【摘要】随着教育改革的不断深入推进,现代教育环境下,教育不仅对学生的综合素质提出了新的要求,更对教师的教育教学能力提出了更高的期待。在这样的背景下,英语作为一门对学生未来发展有着至关重要影响的学科,更需要教师在充分利用绘本教学的优势下,解决绘本教学存在的问题,转变教学理念,优化课堂教学结构与方式,更好的推动英语教学的进步。  【关键词】小学英语;绘本教学;问题;解决策略  【作者简介】钟文,广东省
【摘要】情感过滤假说包括焦虑、动机和自信心三因素。其中焦虑与学生的学习成绩成反比,因此,教师在教学过程中应采取有效的措施降低学生的焦虑,以提高学生的英语成绩。  【关键词】情感过滤假说;焦虑;措施  【作者简介】巴淑婷(1994-),女,汉族,吉林通化人,教育硕士,吉林师范大学外国语学院学科教学(英语)专业硕士2017级研究生,研究方向:二语习得;闫爱静(1974-),女,汉族,吉林四平人,副教授
【摘要】近年来,科技的不断发展带来了网络游戏的蓬勃发展,随之衍生了大量教育游戏产品,这使得许多教育界人士开始思考如何把游戏应用到教学中,为课堂服务,增强课堂教学的吸引力。按照新课程标准实施教学过程,倡导突出学生的主体地位,有效进行适当的教学游戏,使学生在玩中学,学中玩。在英语教学中,需不断创设使学生产生浓厚学习兴趣的环境和氛围,以达到事半功倍的英语教学效果。  【关键词】英语教学;课堂游戏;学习兴
【摘要】随着新课改的进行,初中英语教学也发生了很大的变化,教师转变了教学思想和教学方法,英语教学效率也有了一定的提高。合作学习对于初中英语教学而言是非常重要的,其能够以小组合作的方式,让学生更好地流和沟通,给学生实践和练习的机会,让学生更好地学好英语。  【关键词】初中英语;教学;小组合作  【作者简介】方小闵,阜南县洪河桥镇曾沃学校。  小组合作学习方式是一种比较新颖的教学方式,其符合新课改和学
【Abstract】Based on the alienation phenomenon described in Brave New World , like the embryonic cloning technology, we can see a fictitious society under totalitarianism and the rudiment of a world bas