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1955年12月24日“人民日报”刊登了丁伟志、李学昆、高禹集体写作的评华岗的“辩证唯物论大纲”的书评。书评首先指出“这是一本利用宣传辩证唯物主义反对唯心主义的学习运动而投机骗人的书”。并揭露和批判了华岗这本书中所采取的卑鄙的剽窃手段和粗制滥造、错误百出的情况。书评指出在他的这本书中“至少有四分之一是逐字逐句成段成章地从别人的作品中剽窃下来的”,而这是一种非法占有他人劳动果实的犯罪行为。在理论上这本书也是混乱和错误的,“这本‘大纲’事实 On December 24, 1955, People’s Daily published the book reviews of Dialectical Materialism Outline by Ding Weizhi, Li Xuekun and Gao Yu in Collective Writing. Book review first pointed out that “This is a book that uses the propaganda dialectical materialism to oppose the idealist learning movement and speculation.” And exposed and criticized the despicable plagiarism and abusive mistakes made by Hua Gang in this book. Book reviews point out that “in this book, at least a quarter is plagiarized from the works of others by word-for-word,” a criminal act that illegally holds the fruits of the work of others. In theory, this book is also confusing and wrong, “the fact that this” outline "
刘放桐等编著、人民出版社出版的《现代西方哲学》在学术理论界曾有种种不同评价,七月十七日《光明日报》发表袁淑娟的书评,指出这是“一部深受广大读者欢迎的好书”。  书评认为,力求以科学的态度对待现代西方哲学是本书的一个明显特点。长期以来,人们将非马克思主义哲学一概称之为资产阶级哲学,并且不分青红皂白地加以简单化的否定和批判。实际上,西方哲学各流派的阶级属性有其共同之处,但又各有区别。因此,这本书的名称