20 0 3年 3月 15日 ,英国皇家海军退役军官加文·孟席斯先生历经 14年的潜心研究 ,在英国伦敦皇家地理学会发表了中国明朝回族航海家郑和率领的舰队首次完成了环球航行、“郑和是环球航行的第一伟人”的惊人结论。 2 0 0 2年 12月10 - 12日 ,北京大学、云南大学和云南郑和研究会联合在昆明召开“第二届昆明郑和研究国际会议” ,特邀孟席斯先生莅会发表专题演讲。会议开幕式上 ,孟氏向大会组委会赠送了 2 0 0 2年 11月刚出版的 5 78页的专著《14 2 1年 :中国发现了世界》一书。鉴于是书尚无中文译本 ,会议期间有多位学者建议孟氏撰写一份简明扼要的全书梗概 ,寄给会务组翻译后发表出来 ,以供中国读者了解是书概要。本文即是根据孟席斯先生 1月 3日用电子邮件发给译者的稿件翻译而成。为便于读者阅读 ,译者特加译注数条 ,供大家阅读时参考。
On March 15, 2003, the British Royal Naval Forces Retired Officer Gavin Menzies, after 14 years of painstaking research, published the first fleet of Chinese Ming navigators Zheng He at the Royal Geographical Society of London in London, UK Voyage around the world, “Zheng He is the world’s first great man sailing” amazing conclusion. On December 10-12, Peking University, Yunnan University and Yunnan Zheng He Research Association jointly held the “2nd International Conference on Kunming Zheng He Studies” in Kunming, where Mr. Menzies was invited to deliver speeches. At the opening ceremony, Montessori presented to the Organizing Committee the book of 78 pages that was published in November 2002: “14 2 1 Year: China Discovered the World.” In view of the fact that there is no Chinese translation of the book, many scholars suggested during the conference that Monteggia should write a concise outline of the whole book, send it to the conference group for translation and publish it for readers’ understanding of the book in China. This article is based on a translation of the manuscript issued by Mr. Menzies on January 3 by e-mail to the translator. In order to facilitate the reader to read, translator extra plus translation note number, for everyone to read reference.