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为了贯彻全省财会档案工作座谈会精神,郑州市财政局、档案局于一九八三年十二月二十三日联合召开了第一次全市财会档案工作会议。会议要求各单位认真贯彻上级的有关文件精神,组织有关人员进行学习,提高对搞好财会档案的重要性和必要性的认识,明确各单位的财会档案工作应由负责档案或会计工作的领导人或总会计师分管,会计文件材料由会计部门负责立卷归档,档案部门应密切配合。会议还要求市直机关财会档案的收集、清理、鉴定、立卷、归档工作在八四年上半年完成,各企业单位要在八四年十月底以前完成此项任务,并把会计文件材料的形成、积累、整理、归档等工作纳入会计管理制度和会计人员的岗位责任制,作为业务考核的条件之一。市委副秘书长刘宪政同志到会讲了话, In order to implement the spirit of the forum of the province’s accounting files, Zhengzhou City Bureau of Finance and Archives jointly held the first meeting of the city’s accounting files on December 23, The meeting urged all units to conscientiously implement the spirit of the relevant documents of the higher authorities, organize relevant personnel to learn and raise awareness of the importance and necessity of doing a good job of making financial accounting records clear that the accounting and archival work of all units should be led by archives or accounting leaders Or chief accountant in charge of the accounting documents and materials responsible for the archival filing, the file department should work closely together. The meeting also demanded that the directing authorities should collect, clean up, appraise, establish and archive the financial records of the municipal authorities in the first half of 1984, and all enterprises and institutions should complete this task by the end of October of 1984 and form the accounting documents and materials , Accumulation, sorting, filing and other work into the accounting management system and accountant job responsibility system, as one of the conditions for business assessment. Municipal Committee Deputy Secretary-General Liu Xianzheng Comrade arrived at the meeting,
策划理念的贵族化脱离国情,脱离大众阶层,追求所谓高贵、豪华。套型面积的大型化违背可持续发展的原则,不善于在中、小套型中创造较高适用性和舒适度,而是大而不当, Planni
4月13日 晴  今天清晨,太阳还没升起,我们一家人便兴高采烈地去苏州同里游玩。  来到同里,首先映入眼帘的是座座江南独具韵味的“粉墙青瓦”式的古老房屋。走在那一块块大小一样的青石板构筑的小路上,看到这江南古镇上已是游人如织,热闹非凡。街道两侧有各种各样的店铺,有卖砚台、团扇等江南小玩意儿的,有卖苏州丝绸包装的小化妆镜的……不远处有一块石碑很引人注目,我迫不及待地跑过去看,只见上面刻着“中国同里影
In this paper several kinds of high temperature molten salts were investigated experimentally on viscosity-temperature characteristics with high-temperature vis