一个热爱音乐的优质男生,一个音乐世界里的精灵王子,他可爱、帅气、阳光、幽默,充满着无限的活力与朝气。在他的身上我们能够感受到一种特殊的气息和味道,是在别人身上感觉不到的,这种气息和味道只属于他一个人,他来自河南周口,带着自己的梦想来到了星城长沙,在湖南大众传媒学院读书的他,1.76米的个子,浓浓的眉毛下面是一双星光流淌的眼睛,挺挺的鼻子,小而性感的嘴唇。喜欢他不仅是因为他可爱帅气,更多的是因为他对音乐的这份执着和那美妙动听的歌声。正是因为这些让他赢得了不少的人气,打动了不少少女 FANS 的芳心,他就是这样的让人为之倾倒,让人情不自禁地喜爱他,支持他,这样的无与伦比,他就是万千喜爱及一身的陆虎,他就是“2007快乐中国仁和闪亮快乐男声”长
A passionate music boy, a prince of the music world, he is cute, handsome, sunshine, humorous, full of vitality and vitality. In his body, we can feel a special atmosphere and taste that is not felt by others. This atmosphere and taste belong to him alone. He comes from Henan Zhoukou and came to Star City with his dream. , He studied at Hunan Mass Media College, 1.76 meters tall, thick eyebrows below is a pair of stars flowing eyes, quite nose, small and sexy lips. Like him not only because of his lovely handsome, more because of his dedication to music and that beautiful sound. It is because of these won him a lot of popularity, touched a lot of young girl FANS heart, he is such a dumping people, people can not help but love him and support him, such an unparalleled, he is love And a Land Rover, he is “2007 Happy China Renhe shiny happy male ” long