近期《光明日报》的一则《销售状况急转直下 移动PC何去何从?》报道吸引了许多人的关注,文章截文如下:“今年的4、5月份是移动PC的黄金时代。突然间的销售高潮和媒体的热烈吹捧让一些人乐观预测——移动PC要与笔记本和台式机三分天下。谁想到,自进入6月以来,移动PC的销售情况便急转直下,到目前仍未有升温的迹象。于是,‘前景黯淡‘,‘吉凶未卜’之类的字眼开始频频见诸报端,一些中小厂商几乎走“颗粒无收”便草草收场。这一‘热’一‘冷’的巨大反差,使得移动PC的前景显得愈发扑朔迷离。移动PC何去何从?”
The recent “Guangming Daily” one, “the sales situation soared mobile PC go ?,” reported a lot of people caught the concern, the article reads as follows: “This year’s April and May are the golden age of mobile PCs. Sudden sales climax and The enthusiastic touches in the press have made some optimistic projections that mobile PCs have to be one-third with laptops and desktops, and anyone who thinks that sales of mobile PCs have plummeted since entering June has so far not shown any signs of warming. , ’’ Gloomy prospects’, ’unjust fate’ and the like began to frequently appear in the newspapers, some small and medium-sized manufacturers almost take the ”crop failure." This huge contrast ’hot’ and ’cold’ makes mobile PC The prospect of the more complicated and confusing ... Mobile PC go from here?