我科自1986~1989年共收治尿石症病人227例,现报告如下。临床资料发病者在20~88岁间,其中以30~50岁为高发年龄组,占56.82%。男:女为2∶1。227例尿石症病人中,有33例 X 线平片结石显影,占总人数的14.5%,其中输尿管结石18例(占54%),肾结石13例(占39.39%)。
Our department from 1986 to 1989 admitted a total of 227 patients with urolithiasis, are as follows. The incidence of clinical data in 20 to 88 years old, of which 30 to 50 years old for the high incidence of age group, accounting for 56.82%. Male: Female 2: 1.227 cases of urolithiasis, 33 cases of X-ray lithotripsy, accounting for 14.5% of the total number, of which ureteral stones in 18 cases (54%), kidney stones in 13 cases (accounting for 39.39%).