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目的为了全面掌握邢台市在《中华人民共和国职业病防治法》(以下简称防治法)颁布前1989年1月1日至2002年5月1日(以下简称前13年)与颁布后2002年5月1日至2015年12月31日(以下简称后13年)尘肺病防治现状,分析发病规律,预测今后的发病趋势,为制定职业病防治工作计划,采取有效预防措施提供依据。方法收集2002年前13年和后13年职业病报告卡资料,导入Excel进行统计分析。结果邢台市前13年的尘肺病累计病例数261例,其中男性255例,女性6例;后13年的尘肺病累计病例数36例,其中男性35例,女性1例。比较13年前后尘肺病新发病例期别分布、接尘工龄分布、年龄分布、尘肺类别分布、经济类型分布,进行完全随机设计下两组频数的卡方检验,差异具有统计学意义。结论在防治法颁布前后13年,邢台市的尘肺病诊断病例数比值约为10∶1,由此判断邢台市在贯彻执行职业病防治法方面取得了较大成果。 Purpose In order to fully understand that before Xingtai City enacted the “Law of the People’s Republic of China on Prevention and Treatment of Occupational Diseases” (hereinafter referred to as the “Prevention and Control Law”) from January 1, 1989 to May 1, 2002 (hereinafter referred to as the first 13 years) and after promulgation of May 2002 From January 1 to December 31, 2015 (hereinafter referred to as 13 years after), the current situation of pneumoconiosis prevention and treatment is analyzed, the incidence of pneumoconiosis is analyzed, and the trend of future occurrence is predicted. The basis for formulating the prevention and control plan for occupational diseases and taking effective preventive measures are provided. Methods Data of occupational disease report card collected in the first 13 years and the second 13 years in 2002 were collected and imported into Excel for statistical analysis. Results There were 261 cases of pneumoconiosis in Xingtai in the first 13 years, including 255 males and 6 females. The cumulative number of pneumoconiosis cases in the latter 13 years was 36, including 35 males and 1 females. The distribution of pneumoconiosis cases after 13 years was compared. The distribution of servicemanhood, age distribution, pneumoconiosis distribution and economic type distribution were compared between the two groups. The difference was statistically significant. Conclusion In the 13 years before and after the Prevention and Control Law was promulgated, the number of cases of pneumoconiosis diagnosed in Xingtai City was about 10: 1. Therefore, it was concluded that Xingtai City has made great achievements in implementing the Law of Occupational Disease Prevention and Control.
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