书法在由传统形态向现代形态的转型过程中,作为作品形式构成因素的“汉字”无疑成了一个焦点。“汉字”在形态上能容纳多大程度的变形?它是不是现代书法创变的“底线”?这是传统派书家和现代派书家的根本分歧之所在。 一方面,近现代思想文化的剧变,并未引起传统派书家从事书法态度的改变。他们坚信,“不写汉字,没有传统韵味,就不必叫书
In the transition from traditional forms to modern forms, calligraphy has undoubtedly become the focus of “Chinese characters”, which constitute the form of works. Is it the “bottom line” of modern calligraphy that “Chinese characters” can be shaped morphologically? This is the fundamental difference between traditional writers and modernist writers. On the one hand, the drastic changes of modern ideology and culture have not caused the traditional calligraphers to change their calligraphy attitude. They firmly believe that "do not write Chinese characters, there is no traditional charm, you do not have to call book