引子 金秋羊城,正上演一场惊心动魄的龙虎斗。 珠江上的二沙岛,彩带与绿荫簇拥着广东体育馆。第9届女子与第67届男子世界举重锦标赛在此举行。举重,这一人类追求健美、追求强壮的古老体育项目,激起人们一腔腔升腾的热望。 东道主的主角——中国男队的队员在默默地备战。上届世锦赛,他们跌入了低谷——团体总分第9,奖牌榜上仅仅1枚铜牌!这次在家门口
Yin Yang Yang cited the city, is staged a soul-stirring dragon and tiger bucket. Ersha Island on the Pearl River, ribbons and shade surrounded by the Guangdong Stadium. The 9th Women’s and 67th Men’s World Weightlifting Championships are held here. Lifting weight, the pursuit of bodybuilding mankind, the pursuit of strong ancient sports, aroused people’s aspirations of a rising chamber. The protagonist of the host - the Chinese men’s team players silently preparing for. The last World Championships, they fell into the trough - the group’s total score of 9, medal only 1 bronze medal!