我局自1982年以来,每年接收的军队转业干部,分配来的大学毕业生和从社会调入招收的新干警都在千人以上。公安部对新参加公安工作的人员明确规定必须“先训后用”。我局为了保证这一规定的贯彻执行,也做了新干警不经培训不得上岗,没有取得培训合格证书,不能转正定级的规定。我们开展岗位培训的主要做法是: 一、加强领导,逐步使岗前培训形成制度我局领导对培训工作是很重视的。他们认识到搞好新干警的培训是打基础的工作,基础打的牢就会保证队伍素质高。培训工作是队伍建设的战略措施,
Since 1982, our bureau has received more than a thousand cadres, transferred university graduates and newly recruited officers recruited from the community every year since 1982. The Ministry of Public Security clearly stipulates that new personnel participating in public security work must “use first after training.” In order to ensure the implementation of this provision, our bureau has also made the new police officers not allowed to work without training, have not obtained the training certificate of competency, and can not be transferred to the same grade. Our main job training is to do the following: First, to strengthen leadership, and gradually make pre-service training system leadership Our leadership attaches great importance to the training. They realized that doing a good job training new officers and soldiers is a basic job, and a basic jail sentence will ensure the high quality of the team. Training is a strategic measure for team building,