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具有深厚文化底蕴的中国电信历来都十分注重企业文化建设和员工教育培训。为了解决好员工工作和学习的矛盾,取得比较好的员工培训效果,中国电信利用自身拥有的网络资源,开办了网上大学,根据企业经营管理、业务发展和技术更新的需要,设置了既有理论、更注重实际应用、门类齐全、可灵活选修的课件,为50万电信员工提供了学习业务技术知识的崭新平台。作为中国电信基层企业之一的江苏省盐城电信分公司,在员工教培训工作中充分利用中国电信网上大学丰富的教育资源,鼓励员工上网学习,在创建学习型企业中取得比较好的效果。此处刊发这篇文章,一方面是希冀盐城电信分公司的做法能对其他电信分公司有所借鉴,另一方面也想让电信客户对中国电信员工如何注重学习、提高自身素质有所了解。 With profound cultural heritage, China Telecom has always attached great importance to corporate culture and staff education and training. In order to solve the contradiction between employees’ work and study, and to obtain relatively good employee training effect, China Telecom has used its own network resources to run an online university. According to the needs of business management, business development and technology renewal, China Telecom set the existing theory , Pay more attention to the practical application, a complete range of classes, flexible elective courseware for the 500,000 telecommunications staff to provide business technology to learn a new platform. As one of the grass-roots enterprises of China Telecom, Yancheng Telecom Branch of Jiangsu Province fully utilizes the abundant educational resources of China Telecom Online University to encourage employees to study online and achieve better results in establishing learning-based enterprises. This article is published here, on the one hand hope that the practice of Yancheng Telecom branch can learn from other telecom branches, on the other hand also want to allow telecom customers to China Telecom employees how to focus on learning, improve their own understanding of the quality .
军人, 这是一个掷地有声 铁骨铮铮的称呼。 和平宁静的生活中, 不是所有人都能懂得, 军人的分量和价值。 Soldier, this is a call of clank clank sound clank. In a peac
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把波分复用技术应用于计算机光互连网络 ,通过分析波长和网络路由之间的关系 ,提出了采用波长作为 IP寻径“网络地址”,实现网络间路由寻径的新概念 ,使网络具有非常好的可扩
坦率地说,我有“妻管严”。“妻管严”意在调侃那些怕妻子的男同志。其实,在我们的生活中,“妻管严”只要严得在情在理,“大丈夫”们何尝不能乐于接受? 我是一名拖拉机驾驶