价值是由顾客和企业共同创造的前一段时间,苹果宣布将关闭iOS平台下微信的赞赏功能,认为“赞赏”功能属于虚拟支付,必须走苹果自己的IAP(InApp Purchase,应用内购买)机制,不能使用微信支付和支付宝。用IAP机制,苹果将分走30%的赞赏金额。很多iPhone手机的用户和公号运营者,当然对此难以接受。苹果相当于给自己的经营扔出了一个雪球,而且越滚越大,引发了针对自己的反
Value was co-created by customers and businesses Some time ago, Apple announced that it would close the app for WeChat app under the iOS platform, saying that “Appreciation ” function belongs to virtual payment and must follow Apple’s own InApp Purchase (IAP) Mechanism, can not use WeChat payment and Alipay. IAP mechanism, Apple will take away 30% of the appreciation amount. Of course, many iPhone mobile phone users and operators, of course, this unacceptable. Apple is equivalent to throwing a snowball for his business, and getting bigger and bigger, triggering anti-their own anti