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目的 :测量羊髁突的弹性参量 ,以便为颞下颌关节生物力学研究提供基本力学参量。方法 :采用新鲜山羊下颌骨标本 ,制成 4mm× 6mm× 10mm标准试件 ,用超声透射方法 ,以超声分析仪和数字示波器进行信号分析 ,测量超声波在标本中的传播速度 ,根据试件密度及超声在试件中的传播速度 ,换算羊髁突的弹性系数及技术常数。结果 :获得了山羊髁突的体积密度、声波在髁突不同方向上的传播速度、羊髁突作为正交各向异性体的 9个弹性系数即c1 1 为 4 19± 0 12 ,c2 2 为 4 6 0± 0 2 1,c33 为 3 2 5± 0 18,c44 为 0 95± 0 0 5 ,c5 5 为 0 6 8± 0 0 4,c6 6 为 0 86± 0 0 3,c1 2 为1 99± 0 0 5 ,c1 3 为 1 12± 0 0 5 ,c2 3 为 1 39± 0 0 2 ,及全部技术常数。结论 :①运用超声技术测量髁突弹性参量是可行的。②山羊的髁突是各向异性的线弹性体 ,其弹性参量与下颌骨相应参量间有差异。③山羊髁突在垂直于横轴方向上的弹性模量最大 ,而在沿横轴方向上的剪切模量最大。 Objective: To measure the elastic parameters of the condyles of the sheep in order to provide basic mechanics parameters for the biomechanical study of temporomandibular joint. Methods: A 4mm × 6mm × 10mm standard specimen was made by using fresh goat mandibular specimens. The signal was analyzed by ultrasonic analyzer and digital oscilloscope using ultrasonic transmission method. The propagation speed of ultrasonic in specimens was measured. According to the density of specimen and The propagation speed of ultrasound in the test piece, the elastic coefficient and technical constant of the condyle of the sheep are converted. Results: The volume density of condylar goats and the propagation velocity of sound waves in different directions of condyles were obtained. The nine elastic coefficients of the sheep condyle as orthotropic body were 4 19 ± 0 12 and c 2 2 were 4 6 0 ± 0 2 1, c33 was 3 2 5 ± 0 18, c44 was 0 95 ± 0 0 5, c 5 5 was 0 6 8 ± 0 0 4, c 6 6 was 0 86 ± 0 0 3, c 1 2 was 1 99 ± 0 0 5, c 1 3 1 12 ± 0 0 5, c 2 3 1 39 ± 0 0 2, and all technical constants. Conclusion: ① It is feasible to measure the condyle elastic parameters by using ultrasonic technique. ② goat condyle is an anisotropic linear elastomer, the elastic parameters and the corresponding parameters of the mandible are different. ③ The goat condyle had the highest elastic modulus in the direction perpendicular to the transverse axis and the largest in the transverse direction.
目的 探讨精神因素在 BMS发生中的作用。方法 对 2 1例 BMS患者进行详细病史询问、观察测试 ,HAMD测评 ,分析精神因素与 BMS的关系。结果  BMS患者均有精神障碍的表现。结
居委会要在所辖的街道内评出一对最恩爱的夫妻。几经筛选后,有三对夫妻入围。他们一对对相拥着在居委会办公室外的条椅上坐着,等待评审。  评委将第一对夫妻请进了办公室,叫他们说说他们是如何恩爱的。  妻子说,前几年她瘫痪了,卧病在床,医生说她能站起来的可能性很小。但她丈夫鼓励她活下去,为她多方求医,不弃不离。在丈夫的关爱下,她终于站起来了。评委们都为之动容。  随后进来的夫妻说,他俩结婚10年,从来没有
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