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  In 1882, Virgina Woolf was bern into one of England'smost distinguished literary families. Her father was an edi-tor, a critic, biographer and a man who moved in the bestVictorian literary circles. With the vigorous intellectual fami-ly atmosphere, she was brought up and educated at home.She had no partner but loneliness and her father,s books. Shehad no chance to pick up all that goes in school.
  In 1895, after the unexpected death of her mother, Vir-ginia suffered her first mental breakdown.
  Nine years la~er, she suffered her second hreakdux~ af-ter her father s death and tried to commit suicide.
  Ater that she moves with her sister and two brothers in-to Bloomsbury. Their house became central to activities ofthe Bloomsbury group.
  From 1905 Virgins Woolf began to write for the TimeLiterary Supplement.
  In 1912 she married the political theorist LeonardWoolf. In 1915 her first novel The Voyage Out was pub-lished. It was considered a revolutionary as they pioneeredliterarv modernism.
  In 1914, she euded her llfe by suicide by falling herpocket with stones and drowned herself in the river near herhome.
  Recognized as one of the major figures of modero litera-ture, Virginia Woolf is highly regarded beth for her innova-tive fiction techniques and insightful contributions to hterarycriticism. In her short fiction Woolf typically focused on mi-nute physical detail and experimented with stream - of- can-sciousness techniques, interior monologne, and symbolism tocapture the subjective workings of human thought.
  Kew Gardens" typifies her lyrical portrayal of variednarrative perspectives through tim interior monologue of anomniscient narrator. In this scemingly plotless story, Woolfcreates the atmosphere of an afternoon at Londan's Kew Gar-dens by fusing the shifting points of view of several peoplewith those of a snail, insects, flowers, and even such inani-mate objects as buses and airplanes.
  In "Mark on the Wall" she employs interior monologueto impart the musings of a narrator who, in speculating abouta small detail on a wall, ponders a variety of topics, inclu-ding person-,d reminiscence, history, and nature. Every ru-mination returns to the mark only to stray anew into reverie,as each of the narrator "s seemingly meandering thoughtsbuilds upon one another to create an intricate discourse onthe rmture of reality and truth.
  "Ah, the mark on the wall! It was a, snarl. " ". Herewe have a story which is almost totally without incident, butwhich... " add Woolf. Assigning a name brings closure in aworld, in which the importance of the mark is to be seen. Iread "Solid Objects'as Woolf's discrimination of the two sen-ses.
  In Woolf's two stories, the natural world showed thebrevity and relative insignificance of the human lives; herstory of the snail trying to get past the leaf seemed just as im-portant as anything happening in the peoples lives.
摘要:无政府主义(anarchism)是一种小资产阶级社会政治思潮,其基本观点是否定一切权威和任何形式的国家政权,主张个人绝对自由,幻想不经过无产阶级革命和无产阶级专政而建立一个没有国家的、完全平等和绝对自由的社会。这种思想以主观主义和个人主义的世界观为基础,反映在资本主义发展过程中一部分破产的小资产者的情绪和愿望,对马克思主义的传播和国际工人运动的开展起了很大的阻碍和破坏作用。  关键词:无政府
摘要:通过证明在某些约束条件下,布拉德福、齐普夫、洛特卡三个定律均符合二八分布律,尽管这几个定律或规律,属于不同的学科领域,但其实质内容都是十分相似的,可见“二八律”在文献计量学中具有适用性。  关键词:布拉德福定律;齐普夫定律;洛特卡定律;二八律:适用性    “注:本文中所涉及到的图表、注解、公式等内容请以PDF格式阅读原文”
摘要:农村社会保障问题是我国社会保障体系发展的重要问题,由于长期的二元经济结构,使得我国社会保障城乡一体化建设存在诸多难题。发展中国家农村养老保障体系发展的取得了有益的经验,本文借鉴吸收发展中国家的经验对我国社会保障城乡一体化提出可行性建议。  关键词:发展中国家;养老保障;社会保障;城乡一体化    长期以来,农村社会保障始终处于中国社会保障体系的边缘,广大农民一直游离于社会的保障网之外。随着农
摘要:本文以萨特“存在先于本质”的基本论断为前提和出发点的,对他的存在、自由、选择、责任及他人的关系作出了简要分析,并以此对他的自由哲学进行了阐述。  关键词:存在先于本质;自由选择;责任;他人    恩格斯指出:“全部哲学,特别是近代哲学的重大的基本问题,是思维和存在的关系问题。”但是,萨特存在主义哲学却在本体论的回答另寻僻径。它既不同于传统哲学,对它仅作“形而上”的追问,也不同于现代实证哲学,
摘要:随着市场经济体制的建立和完善,我国企业逐步加强了对内部会计控制的重视程度,在《内部会计控制规范——基本规范(试行)》的指导下制定了具体的内控制度并采取了相关措施。本文论述了基于ERP环境下的企业内部会计控制的内涵、用ERP加强内部会计控制的重要性以及用ERP加强内部会计控制的方法。  关键词:ERP;环境;企业内部;会计控制    一、基于ERP环境下的企业内部会计控制的内涵    财政部在
Abstract:Nowadays becoming bilingual is a way of life. But as for the question of how to learn or acquire a second language effectively is hard to answer, for the process of learning a second language
摘要:根据西汉线隧道的施工实践,全面介绍隧道的防排水设计与施工,包括排水半管、防水板、施工缝、沉降缝等防排水技术要点,为隧道的防排水设计与施工提供了有益的参考。  关键词:隧道;防排水设计;防排水施工;衬砌    在铁路建设中,地下工程项目在各条干线上日趋增多,但防水问题一直是困扰地下丁程的难题之一。一些渗漏水严重的地下工程(隧道、车站)不得不多次治水、修补,给企业、国家造成巨大的经济损失。   
摘要:司法公信力是法治建设的重要内容,是构建和谐社会的法治基础。当前,我国民事司法公信力有所提升,但依然面临挑战。文章通过对我国民事司法公信力现状的考察。剖析了影响民事司法公信力的主要因素,并指出提升民事司法公信力的基本途径和措施。  关键词:民事司法公信力;司法权威;司法公正    司法公信力是法治建设的重要内容,体现了人们对司法的尊重和认同。民事司法公信力就是人们对民事司法的信任和尊重的心理态
摘要:作者提出了采用BP神经网络进行交通事故损失预测的方法,并根据某市近几年的交通事故进行了预测。结果证明,该模型在预测中是可行的,预测的误差较小。    1、我国现在对交通事故分析、预测,主要是采用数理统计,对交通事故的4项指标(事故次数、死亡人数、受伤人数、直接经济损失)进行预测,预测精度并不高;另外,数理统计法不仅要求数据量大,样本有较好的分布规律,对非典型分布、非平稳过程等都感到棘手,而且
摘要:企业财务决策机制不健全或失效造成的损失在实际工作中屡见不鲜,如何加强企业财务决策是理论界和实务界的热点话题之一。本文就现代企业财务决策的思路进行了探讨。  关键词:财务;决策;思路    任何决策都会有外部性,财务决策也不例外。财务决策不仅会直接影响财务决策的效率,而且会对企业各种财务主体之间的利益关系(或财务关系)产生影响。财务决策对各种财务主体的利益关系会产生影响,各种财务主体对财务决策