碘是人体必需的微量元素,与人体甲状腺发育具有双向相关性关系,磺缺乏与过量均可引起甲状腺肿。为评价全区小学甲状腺肿流行情况,对部分小学生进行了调查。1 材料与方法全区九县市按不同地理位置各抽取5个乡镇,同样,每个乡镇再抽取3个~5个小学,每个小学随机抽取4
Iodine is an essential trace element of the human body and has a bidirectional correlation with thyroid development in the human body. Sulfide deficiency and excess can cause goiter. To evaluate the prevalence of goiter in primary schools in the region, some primary school students were investigated. 1 Materials and Methods Nine counties and cities in the region took 5 townships according to different geographical locations. Likewise, each township took 3 to 5 primary schools, each of which randomly selected 4