One of the leaders of an energy SOE in the south is also one of the heads of the Guangzhou Runway Club. He was born in science and engineering, love writing 骈 body language, poetry. For the marathon, his perception goes far beyond the sport itself. April 15, in Guangzhou University City, South China Normal University, a student body recruiting new mobilization activities, Su Chen planned a proclamation marathon activities. PB: 346. Win the future Why do you want to do this propaganda at your own expense? Su Chen responsibility with the word some heavy, the obligation to talk about, I do not have the obligations in this regard, the complex may be more appropriate. Personally, I personally feel that many of the traditional and beautiful things in China today are constantly missing, for example, loyalty and honesty. Each of us, regardless of age or height, has in fact a spiritual need and a desire or urge to spread positive energy. I