对内径0.3 m、高6.6 m的加压鼓泡床中的气含率进行了系统研究,得出了表面张力、粘度、压力等对气含率的影响规律;结果表明,在实验范围内,鼓泡床中的气含率随表面张力和粘度的升高而降低,随压力的升高而升高;并用气泡聚并的能量理论作了定性的解释. 根据542组实验数据得出了气含率的关联式.
The gas holdups in a pressurized bubbling bed with an inner diameter of 0.3 m and a height of 6.6 m were systematically studied and the influence laws of the surface tension, viscosity and pressure on gas holdup were obtained. The results showed that within the experimental range, The gas holdup in the bubbling bed decreases with the increase of the surface tension and the viscosity, and increases with the increase of the pressure. The gas theory of bubble aggregation makes a qualitative explanation. According to the experimental data of 542 groups, Inclusion rate of correlation.