
来源 :航空工艺技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bushishuai
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最近一段时间以来,对于工艺技术的重要作用,它与新技术革命的关系,工艺预研与型号研制的关系等等长期困扰工艺技术发展的课题,从上到下引起了人们普遍关注。国防科工委多次召集专家会议进行研讨,国防工业出版社又将会内外专家学者的意见整理汇编出版,并由军委副主席刘华清题写“工艺与新技术革命”书名,国防科工委主任丁衡高撰写序言,从而为纠正不重视工艺技术的世俗偏见,为在新技术革命中,在发展国民经济和国防现代化建设中,特别是在当前强调提高效率和效益、提高劳动生产率的时候,正确认识和深刻理解工艺的地位和作用,制定有效措施和决策,重视工艺的研究,加强工艺的开发,促进工艺的发展创造了良好的条件。 从某种意义上来说:飞机(发动机)不是设计出来的,而是制造出来的。对于这样一个浅显的道理,在实践中却往往被人遗忘。这是因为我国航空工业是在引进苏联批生产机种技术基础上建立并发展起来的,60 Recently, the important role of process technology, its relationship with the new technology revolution, the relationship between process pre-research and model development, and so on have long plagued the development of process technology, and caused widespread concern from top to bottom. The Commission for Science, Technology, Industry, Technology and Industry for National Defense has convened a number of expert meetings to hold discussions. The National Defense Industry Press compiled and published the opinions of experts and scholars both inside and outside the country. The Vice Chairman of the Military Commission Liu Huaqing wrote the title of “Process and New Technology Revolution”, and Director of the Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense. Ding Henggao wrote the preface to correct the secular prejudice that he did not attach importance to process technology. In the new technology revolution, in the development of the national economy and the modernization of national defense, especially in the current emphasis on improving efficiency and efficiency and increasing labor productivity, Correctly understand and profoundly understand the status and role of technology, formulate effective measures and decision-making, pay attention to the research of the process, strengthen the development of the process, and promote the development of the process and create favorable conditions. In a sense: the aircraft (engine) is not designed but manufactured. For such a simple truth, it is often forgotten in practice. This is because China’s aviation industry is established and developed on the basis of the introduction of Soviet technology for the production of batch machines, 60
文中阐述了导弹与航天工业的发展、生产情况,着重介绍了有关组织管理机构和生产厂家,对未来发展计划做了概述。 The article describes the development and production of
<正> (一) 在当今世界各国科学技术高度发展的态势中,发展高技术的竞争将愈来愈激烈地形成世界各国实力的新格局。高技术的发展已使许多国家从国策高度来考虑,因此,世界各国从1983年起纷纷着手于21世纪的战略规划。如:美国的“星球大战计划”、欧洲经济共同体的“尤里卡计划”、苏联及东欧诸国的“2000年科技进步综合纲要”、日本的“科学技术立国计划”等先后出台,标志着发展高技术及其产业的竞争已在全球范围内展开。随着高技术发展及其产生的“跳跃性”和“突变性”的成果向社会各个领域的渗透、拓
机械电子工业部西安重型机械研究所环保设备研究室成立于70年代中期。十多年来,他们潜心于除尘技术的开发研究,为控制大气污染作出了积极的贡献。 1.瞄准世界先进水平西重所