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目前学术界对从猿到人过渡阶段的归属问题主要有两种不同的观点:一是主张从猿到人的过渡阶段应属于人类社会的早期阶段;二是认为从猿到人的过渡阶段仍属猿类阶段。争论的焦点在于对马克思、恩格斯有关对“人类的童年”的论述的不同理解。持第一种观点的同志认为马克思、恩格斯论述“人类的童年” At present, there are mainly two different views on the attribution of the transition from ape to man in academia: firstly, the transition from ape to man should belong to the early stage of human society; second, the transition from ape to man Is ape stage. The focus of the debate lies in the different interpretations of Marx and Engels about the discourse on “Childhood”. The comrades holding the first view hold that Marx and Engels argue that “human childhood”
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“一把菜刀”的比喻  有人曾倡议道:“电视和武侠小说中有很多打斗场面,会给儿童和分辨能力低的成人带来不良的影响,应该限制。”对此,金庸的看法如下:“以前有人攻击武侠小说,认为小孩看了会模仿,也上山学道去了。我想这个责任不应该由武侠小说来负,一把菜刀可以用来切菜,也可以用来杀人。我写小说时,只想到小说的读者,在小说中描述的事在电视中不一定可以演,因为看小说的人至少有阅读的能力,受过一定的教育。如果电