尤素福·卡什(Yousuf Karsh,1908~2002年)是加拿大著名的人像摄影家,在国际上享有很高的声誉。许多到过渥太华的名人,都以能获得一张卡什拍摄的肖像为荣。西方许多著名的艺术博物馆都设立专柜收藏卡什的作品。卡什生于土耳其的阿美尼亚。1924年,卡什当时16岁,就投奔住在加拿大的叔父纳卡什(G.Nakarsh)。他的叔父是个摄影师。他跟随他的叔父在照相馆里当学徒,从而走上了摄影之路。1932年,卡什在渥太华开设了著名的渥太华照相馆。卡什一生曾为世界各国的许多政界人物和名人拍过肖像,如丘吉尔、比加索、肖伯纳、爱因斯坦、英国女王伊丽莎白、尼赫鲁、铁托等。他的得意之作是丘吉尔,物理学家爱因斯坦和美国盲人女作家海伦等人的肖像作品。陈淳涛先生的访谈,对欣赏和了解卡什的人像摄影艺术品,扩展读者和收藏爱好者的视野,以及如何收藏国外的古董艺术品,相信会有一定的指导作用。
Yousuf Karsh (1908-2002) is a famous portraiture photographer in Canada and enjoys a high international reputation. Many of the celebrities who’ve been to Ottawa are proud of being able to get a portrait shot by Mr Cash. Many famous Western art museums have set up counters to collect Kash’s works. Kash was born in Armenia, Turkey. In 1924, when he was 16, Cash lost to G. Nakarsh, the uncle who lived in Canada. His uncle is a photographer. He followed his uncle as an apprentice in a photo studio and took the road to photography. In 1932, Cash opened the famous Ottawa Photo Gallery in Ottawa. For many years, he has portrayed portraits of many political figures and celebrities in various countries in the world, such as Churchill, Beauchamp, Xiao Bernard, Einstein, Queen Elizabeth, Nehru, Tito and others. His favorite works are the portraits of Churchill, physicist Einstein and American blind woman writer Helen. The interview with Mr. Chen Chuntao will have a guiding role in appreciating and understanding Kash’s portraits of photographic photography, extending the field of vision of readers and collectors, and collecting antiques from other countries.