In a 1 liter high pressure mechanical stirred tank, the gas intermittent absorption technology was used to measure the solubility of hydrogen and carbon monoxide in mixed xylene at 80 ~ 160 ℃ and 0.5 ~ 5MPa. Hydrogen and carbon monoxide solubility increases with increasing temperature and pressure, and at the same temperature and pressure, the solubility of carbon monoxide is greater than the solubility of hydrogen. Compared to their solubility in meta-xylene, the solubility in mixed xylene is smaller. In addition, their solubility was estimated using the Prausnitz-Shair method of normal solution theory. It can be seen that the estimated solubility of carbon monoxide in xylene is in good agreement with the experimental results. Since hydrogen has a low critical temperature and no suitable estimation formula, it is estimated by using the experimental regression formula combined with the other formulas in the Prausnitz-Shair method. The estimated value agrees with the experimental value.