During the late Qing, with the deepening of the study of geography, paricularly the dissemi nation of the modern Western geographical knowledge of the Far East, traditional concepts of Heaven and Earth began to change. Specifically, the idea of a round heaven and a square earth were replaced by the globe, and the conception of a heaven in motion and a static earth was re placed by the heliocentric theory of the universe. The notion that China was the center of the world was also replaced by the modern notion of the world. This process ended at about the time of the Reform Movement of 1898. With the introduction of new geographical concepts, the sys tem of Chinese traditional values began to undergo fundamental change and the system of Chinese modern values was gradually established.
During the late Qing, with the deepening of the study of geography, paricularly the dissemi nation of the modern Western geographical knowledge of the Far East, traditional concepts of Heaven and Earth began to change. earth were replaced by the globe, and the conception of a heaven in motion and a static earth was re placed by the heliocentric theory of the universe. The notion that China was the center of the world was also replaced by the modern notion of the world. . This process ended at about the time of the Reform Movement of 1898. With the introduction of new geographical concepts, the sys tem of Chinese traditional values began to undergo fundamental change and the system of Chinese modern values was gradually established.