人类的世纪末,也是黄河的世纪末? 走向世纪之交的人类,满怀着征服者的喜悦与激情,要在21世纪继续对地球实行更加彻底的征服,并将人类全球王国的领域扩充到太空。已经见诸报端的消息说,美国正在筹划人类太空旅行,美国与日本都已经有了开发月球、筹建月亮城的图纸或模型,其中包括五星级酒店和一应俱全的娱乐设施……人类仿佛真的可以飘飘欲仙了。在这个世界上,科技强国占领并瓜分月球,只是早晚的事。之所以还没有把建筑材料、混凝土搅拌机送到月球上去,只是因为一个极普通的问题难以解决:水,水从何来?哪儿都需要水,飘飘欲仙的人也不例外。前些日子美国传来消息
At the end of the century of mankind, and also at the end of the century of the Yellow River, mankind toward the turn of the century, full of the joy and passion of conquerors, will continue to carry out more complete conquest of the earth in the 21st century and expand the sphere of mankind’s global kingdom into space. The news that has already appeared in the newspapers means that the United States is planning human space travel. Both the United States and Japan already have plans to develop the moon and draw up plans or models of Moon City, including five-star hotels and entertainment facilities. Really can be fooled. In this world, the power of science and technology to occupy and divide the moon is only a matter of time. The reason why the building materials and concrete mixer have not yet been sent to the moon is just an extremely common problem that can not be solved: Where do water and water come from? A few days ago the United States came the news