Free pollinating population and cross between lines were used as control to study the effect of continuous selfing progeny of Brassica napus on embryonic development. Embryo and endosperm development of the selfing offspring lagged behind the crosses after 5 days of pollination, resulting in smaller selfed-pollinated seeds with reduced oil content. Compared with free pollination, self-pollinated pollen tube grew slowly, fertilized late, less endosperm free nuclei, embryo growth slow. Inbred offspring often occur single fertilization, zygote or immature embryo degradation and the free endosperm disintegration and other anomalies, while the frequency of fertilization, free nucleation and the number of blast cells in the coefficient of variation were larger than the free pollination group that at least In preimplantation, successive selfed offspring are even more irregular than free pollinators in heterozygous status. Discusses the causes of variation and the possibility of predicting self-fertility and heterosis.