和朋友在路边的咖啡厅喝咖啡,看着街上人来人往。透过落地的玻璃窗望去,满大街游走的都是越穿越露的女人。香肩当道,大有“看谁露得凶”的气势。 这年月,不知道是衣裳征服了身体,还是身体征服了衣裳?反正,裸露成了现代女子着装的艺术。今年夏天,时尚风标指向show出美丽双肩,蔓延之势不可小觑。 其实在西方,肩部一直是女性性感的象征,魅力标志。在中国古代,女子的香肩可是不能随便外露的,《西厢记》中崔莺莺就因为对张生的“调戏”采取“着香肩,只将花笑捻”的态度,而被认定为举止轻佻。
Drink coffee with friends in the cafe by the side of the road and watch the streets come and go. Looked through the windows of the floor, walking through the streets are more exposed women. Hong Shoulian in the corridor, there is a great “see who exposed fierce” momentum. This year, do not know clothes conquered the body, or the body conquered clothes? Anyway, the naked became the dress of modern women’s art. This summer, the stylish vane show beautiful shoulders show, the trend of the spread should not be underestimated. In fact, in the West, the shoulder has always been a symbol of women’s sexy charm signs. In ancient China, the woman’s fragrant shoulder can not be exposed without exception. Cui Yingying in The Romance of the West Chamber was found guilty of demeanor because she adopted the attitude of “smelling her shoulder and only laughing and twirling her” to Zhang’s “teasing.”