根艺笔筒摆在桌案上是一件古香古色、令人百看不厌的艺术作品,其制作方法是:选材,利用树根制作根艺作品可以变废为宝。而制作根艺笔筒可利用其它的根艺所选不中的根材,只要高度在12cm 左右,直径在10cm 左右即可,根的样子要吸引人,上面应有一些虬结、疤痕,形态臃肿,纹理奇特等,在北方榆树、柞树、柳树等的根都可利用。制作时将根料洗净去皮,选择花纹好、形状怪的地方锯成高12cm 左右,然后用刀把上下锯口刻平,用刻刀把根横
Root art pen placed on the table case is an antique, never-ending-looking art, its production methods are: selection, the use of root production of root art works can be turned waste into treasure. The production of root pen artefact can be used in other roots of the root material is not selected, as long as the height of about 12cm, the diameter of about 10cm, the root looks to be attractive, there should be some knot above, scarring, form bloated , Strange texture, etc., in the northern elm, oak, willow and other roots are available. When the production of pewter wash the root, choose the pattern is good, the shape of the strange place sawed about 12cm high, and then cut with a knife up and down saw kerchief, with a knife to the root horizontal