“阿嘉”(藏语,大姐),是西藏乃东县结巴公社人们对党支部书记次仁拉姆的亲切称呼。54个春秋的风霜,在她的额头和两腮留下了深深的皱纹。但是,常年的劳动却使她身体健壮,走起路来,仍像年轻人那样坚实、有力。 19年前,当桑嘎村11户朗生(奴隶)被一些富裕户排除在互助组之外时,次仁拉姆这位桑嘎村的第一个共产党员,坚定地同“朗生”们站在一起,主张依靠自己的力量办组。她说:“只要能拧成一条绳,羊毛也能捆住雄狮。”就凭这不怕困难和艰苦奋斗的精神,在党的领导和“朗生”们的支持下,这个互助组在西藏高原上赢得了“百万农奴翻身的榜样”的荣誉。
“Jia” (Tibetan, Sister), is a kind name for the Party branch secretary Eren Ram in Tibet’s Nadong Jedi commune. 54 spring breeze, left a deep wrinkles in her forehead and cheeks. However, perennial work makes her strong, walking, still as young and solid as strong. 19 years ago, when 11 households (slaves) in Sanggar village were excluded from the mutual aid group by some wealthy households, the first Communist member of the Sanggar village firmly joined hands with Lanson Stand together and advocate relying on their own strength to organize groups. She said: “As long as it can be twisted into a rope, wool can also tie the male lion.” Taking this untouchable hardship and arduous struggle, with the support of the party’s leadership and “Lansheng” Won the honor of “an example of turning over millions of serfs.”