
来源 :涉外税务 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fengyunwoaihui
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我国的涉外税收工作,从1978年开始采取了集中领导、集中管理的征管形式。上自国家税务局,下到全国各市县,涉外税收工作从税政到征管业务,都集中在各级税务局的外税处或其他处室。这种集中的征管形式,适应了当时外商投资企业不多、涉外税收收入少和对执行涉外法规政策要求比较严格的客观情况,对维护涉外税法的严肃性和国家的经济权益,都起了重要作用。但随着我国对外开放的广泛深入进行,外商投资企业迅速增加,分布面广,这给涉外税收工作采用集中的征管形式造成以下困难:①涉外税收征管对象在空间上的距离拉大,外税干部和纳税人的很多时间都花费在路上,有些地区的涉外税务机关,由于缺乏现代化的交通工具,难以控管;②涉外税源大量增加,有些市县的涉外征管力量显得相对薄弱; Since 1978, tax-related foreign tax work in our country has taken the form of collection and management of centralized management and centralized management. From the State Revenue, down to all counties and cities across the country, foreign tax work from tax to collection and management operations, are concentrated in the tax office at all levels of the tax office or other offices. This centralized form of collection and management adapted to the fact that there were not so many foreign-invested enterprises at that time, and the foreign tax revenue was little and the requirements for the implementation of foreign laws and regulations were more stringent, which played an important role in safeguarding the seriousness of foreign-related tax laws and the economic rights of the country. effect. However, with the extensive and in-depth opening-up of our country, the number of foreign-invested enterprises increases rapidly and spreads widely. This makes the following difficulties to the centralized collection and management of foreign-related taxes: (1) Cadres and taxpayers spend a lot of time on the road. In some areas, the tax authorities concerned in foreign countries are hard to control because of the lack of modern means of transportation. The tax sources in foreign countries have increased substantially, and some cities and counties have relatively weak tax collection power.
一、涉外企业发展情况改革开放以来,我市吸引外资经历了四个阶段: (一)最初阶段。1979年,我国对外开放刚刚开始,外商对我政策还不了解,对投资环境不熟悉,只采取来料加工装配
日本方头甲ybocephalus nipponicus En-droby-Yonge属鞘翅目方头甲科。成虫是小型甲虫,体黑色,长约1.2~1.4mm。该虫是刺梨主要害虫蔷薇白蚧轮壳虫Awlacaspis rosea(Bouche)的
辣椒(Capsicum annum)包括甜椒和辣椒,是我省夏、秋季主要蔬菜,近年来发现一种花叶皱缩和落果落叶的病害,严重影响辣椒的质量和产量。为了解病害的发生及其病原,作者于1982
红尾追寄蝇是马尾松毛虫幼虫期的重要寄生天敌,主要寄生5~6龄松毛虫,第1、2、3代松毛虫寄生率分别为21.37. 44.95和0.71%。该蝇在湖南年发生5~6代,以蛹在土内越冬。95%以上的卵产
分月扇舟蛾[Clostera anastomosis(Linnaeus)]在我省有杨树的地方几乎都有发生,在往与杨扇舟蛾[Clostera anachoreta(Fabr·)]共同危害;一年中可食光树叶2—3次,对杨树的高径
为观察食蟹猴骨髓基质干细胞 (BMSC)体外培养及诱导分化情况 ,分离食蟹猴的BMSC ,以神经干细胞培养液和分化诱导因子进行体外培养和诱导分化。结果发现 ,分离得到的食蟹猴BMS