在群落数量特征、群落层次频度、群落物种多种性等 3个层次上对分布在宜昌大老岭国家森林公园保护区的光叶珙桐 (Davidiainvolucratavarvilmoriniana)、领春木 (Eupteleapleiosperma)、紫茎 (Stewartiasinen sis)、白辛 (Pterostyraxpsilophyila)等珍稀群落进行了定性和定量的研究 ,弄清了群落组成、结构 ,揭示了群落演替过程、演替阶段 ,分析了以上几种珍稀树木在群落演替过程中的地位及濒危原因 ,为三峡库区珍稀树木保护提供了理论依据
Based on the characteristics of community quantity, the frequency of community level and the diversity of community species, the species Davidiainvolucratavarvilmoriniana, Eupteleapleiosperma, Stewartiasinenisis distributed in the reserve of Dalaoling National Forest Park in Yichang, ), Pterostyraxpsilophyila and other rare communities were studied qualitatively and quantitatively, and the composition and structure of the community were clarified. The process of succession and succession of the community were revealed. In the process of community succession, The status and endangered causes of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area provide a theoretical basis for the protection of rare trees