妇女尿动力学检查后菌尿者约为1.5%~30%,其自然过程尚不清楚。检验尿标本的时间和次数也无统一标准。为了解妇科泌尿门诊尿动力学检查的安全性,菌尿发病率和自然过程,寻找可能的危险因素进行研究。 尿动力学检查前导尿标本用镜检和半定量培养法筛查出菌尿者,检查前2周经中段尿检验后门诊治疗尿路感染者及正行抗生素治疗的心、肾疾病者均不做研究对象。共收治214例患者,年龄52.3(23~81)岁。消毒法用水和洗必泰液擦试尿道口3遍以上,检查后嘱多饮水及有不适症状去妇科门诊
After urodynamic examination of women with bacteriuria was about 1.5% to 30%, the natural process is not yet clear. There is no uniform standard for timing and frequency of urinalysis. In order to understand the safety of gynecological urological clinic urodynamic examination, the incidence of bacteriuria and natural processes, looking for possible risk factors for the study. Urine test before urinary catheterization specimens with microscopic and semi-quantitative culture screened bacteriuria, check the first 2 weeks after the mid-range urine test out-patient treatment of urinary tract infections and antibiotics positive heart and kidney disease were not done Research object A total of 214 patients were treated, age 52.3 (23 ~ 81) years old. Disinfection with water and chlorhexidine solution rub urethral orifice more than 3 times, inspected after drinking more water and have symptoms to the gynecological clinic