湘军,从185 3年开始组建,至186 4年攻陷天京,曾国藩将其解散为止,在近代中国的历史舞台上活跃了12年之久,在大清王朝镇压太平天国农民起义军中扮演了重要角色,挽救了清廷即将覆亡的命运。然而事情的发展往往带来出人意料的后果,湘军在征服太平天国的同时,也对晚清的国家政权产?
The formation of the Hunan army started in 1853 until 1846, when it captured Tianjing and Zeng dismissed it. It was active in the historical stage of modern China for 12 years and played a role in the suppression of the Taiping Rebellion by the Qing Dynasty Important role, saved the imminent death of the fate of the Qing court. However, the development of things often brought unexpected consequences. While the Hunan army conquered the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, it also produced the state power in the late Qing Dynasty.