沈阳黎明航空发动机集团公司新的领导班子组建以来.制定了正确的发展战略和发展思路.三年迈出了三大步.2000年实现工业总产值10 亿多元.利润超过150万元。这对于一个1997年累计亏损2.3亿元的企业来说.确实是一个历史性的飞跃。黎明公司的巨大变化,使我们实实在在地看到了国企改革振兴的希望所在。
Shenyang Liming Aero Engine Group’s new leadership team has been established. Formulated the correct development strategy and development ideas. Three steps have been taken in three years. In 2000, the total industrial output value reached more than 1 billion yuan. Profits exceed 1.5 million yuan. This is for a company with a cumulative loss of 230 million yuan in 1997. It is indeed a historic leap. The great changes of Dawning Company made us really see the hope of the reform and revitalization of state-owned enterprises.