
来源 :注册税务师 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yilong_hongru
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在我国社会主义市场经济不断发展的过程中,注税行业如何加强营销,赢得客户,获得更多的发展机遇,是全行业共同面临的一个重要问题。每个税务师事务所只有认真研究市场、认真研究客户,按照市场化运作,把自身变成市场的主体之一,才能实现整个行业的市场化,这才是注税行业发展的根本出路。市场化运作过程,就是税务师事务所按照市场规律和市场需求进行业务营销,开发客户,提供涉税服务的过程。在我国,影响行业发展的根本因素,是社会经济发展对涉税专业服务的“需求偏好”。只有从社会经济发展的真实需求出发,采取正确的方法和有效措施,大力加强业务营销,让纳税人了解注税行业,了解注册税务师的专业能力,了解企业自己的涉税服务需求,并提供税务咨询、税务筹划和税务产品等涉税专业服务,行业才能不断发展壮大。 In the continuous development of socialist market economy in our country, the tax industry how to strengthen marketing, win customers, and get more opportunities for development is the industry is an important issue facing. Only when a tax office seriously studies the market, studies the customer seriously, and turns itself into one of the main players in the market according to the market-oriented operation can the marketization of the entire industry be realized. This is the fundamental way out for the development of the tax-paying industry. Market-oriented operation of the process, is the tax division in accordance with market rules and market demand for business marketing, customer development, tax-related services to provide the process. In our country, the fundamental factor that affects the development of the industry is the “demand preference ” of the professional service of tax-related socio-economic development. Only from the real needs of socio-economic development, we should adopt the correct methods and effective measures to vigorously strengthen business marketing, let the taxpayers understand the tax-paying industry, understand the professional capabilities of registered tax agents, understand the enterprise’s own tax-related service needs, and provide Tax consulting, tax planning and tax products and other professional tax services, the industry can continue to grow and develop.