作十年代初,妻子获奖得了一台半导体收音机,带短波的。毫无政治原因,纯属好奇,我有时“使用”短波波段。自然,听到了一些东西。其中,“美国之音”广播的一条小消息至今我还记得。消息大意是: 纽约一个失业工人在地铁车站看到一个盲人跌下站台,摔倒在铁轨上,这时列车正在进站,眼看要撞到盲人。失业工人立刻跳下站台,救起了盲人。第二天,报纸报道了这件事。结果,这位失业工人接到了两个电话。一个电话是总统打来的。“你是××先生吗?”“是。”“我是罗纳德·里根。”“请不要开这种玩笑,我刚刚失业,没有心情开玩笑!”
For the early ten’s, his wife won a semiconductor radio award, with shortwave. There is no political reason, pure curiosity, I sometimes “use” shortwave band. Naturally, I heard something. Among them, a message from the Voice of America broadcast so far I still remember. The news was that an unemployed worker in New York saw a blind man drop off a platform at a subway station and fell on a track when the train was pitching in and seeing the blind. Unemployed workers immediately jumped off the platform and rescued the blind. The next day, the newspaper reported it. As a result, the unemployed worker received two calls. A phone call is from the president. “Are you Mr. ××?” “Yes.” “I’m Ronald Reagan.” “Please do not make such a joke, I’m just out of work, no joke!”