工作得久了,性格便在不知不觉中变得烦闷急躁。因为一直找不到发泄的方式,所以整个人越加颓废起来。我时常呆呆地从护士办公窒的窗户向外望,看着湛蓝的天空油然而生一种孤独感。心底如一汪冰冷的水,浑浊而死寂,于是我就去上网,并给自己取了一个凄凄惨惨的网名——青春无梦。 每天繁重的工作使我不得不惊叹于时光竟如此匆匆,而我在电脑前一坐就是几个小时,并用心感受着灵
Work for a long time, the character will unknowingly become irritable and impatient. Because I can not find the way to vent, so the more decadent the whole person together. I often stare blankly from the window of a nurse’s office, looking out into the blue sky and creating a sense of loneliness. My heart is like a pool of icy water, muddy and dead, so I went online and gave myself a miserable network name - youthless dreams. Every day’s heavy work so that I had to marvel at the time was so hurried, and I sit in front of the computer is a few hours, and intentions to feel the spirit