
来源 :中国社会保障 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woodma
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在世界贸易领域,保险业属于金融服务贸易。1997年12月13日,占全球金融服务贸易95%以上的70个WTO成员国达成金融贸易服务协议,同意开放银行、保险、证券和金融信息市场。该协议的主要内容是:允许外国保险公司在本国按照竞争原则运行;同本国公司享有同等进入市场的权利;取消跨国服务的限制;允许外国公司在本国投资比例超过50%。这就意味着,中国“入世”必须在开放保险市场方面做出较大的让步,国人是受益还是受损? In the world of trade, the insurance industry belongs to the financial services trade. On December 13, 1997, 70 WTO members that accounted for more than 95% of the global financial services trade reached a financial and trade services agreement and agreed to open up the banking, insurance, securities and financial information markets. The main content of the agreement is to allow foreign insurance companies to operate according to the principle of competition in their own country, to enjoy equal market access rights with their own companies, to remove restrictions on cross-border services and to allow more than 50% of foreign companies to invest in their home countries. This means that China must, after joining the WTO, make greater concessions in opening up the insurance market and will its people benefit or be damaged?
【摘 要】在翻译过程中,要把英语准确,通顺地译成汉语,正确选择词义此意,注重词义的引申至关重要。  【关键词】引申;翻译;选择  在英汉翻译过程中,正确选择词义是保证译文质量的中心问题。英语单词所表达的意义并不完全可以在汉语里找到其完全对应的词来表达的,许多英语单词与汉语中有些词只是部分对应,而英语中一词多义、一词多用、一词多类的现象很多,这就要求我们在将英语多义词译成汉语时,必须根据上下文和全
  As the major water resource of the Tarim River, glaciers in the Tomor region have suffered major losses of ice in the last several decades.Based on comparin
目的了解与掌握邯郸市邯山区居民营养健康状况。方法参照《中国居民营养与健康状况监测工作手册(2010年)》,对邯山区889人进行健康检查与实验室检测。采用SPSS 19.0软件进行