Cells are the basic building blocks of organisms. During growth, differentiation and maturation, cells produce some waste or storage material due to the metabolic activity. These substances are collectively referred to as aftertastes. The post-contained contents of plant cells are diverse. Some of them exist in vacuoles, some in organelles, and others in cytoplasm. Among them, starch, sugar, fat and protein are the main components. The identification of cell contents is very important in production practice. For example, in industries such as winemaking and textiles, it is necessary to find raw materials containing starch and sugar; in the use of wild oil, it is necessary to first determine the presence of oil, in addition, under certain conditions. Cellular inclusions can also be used as a basis for identifying plant species. One of the commonly used methods for studying plant cell residues is microscopic chemistry. Is the use of a chemical agent to chemically change certain substances in the cell to produce a specific color reaction and be identified directly by the microscope