一家小公司被某风险投资家看重,包装运作后在纳斯达克上市,一年半载之后市值几十上百亿,无名小卒成了《时代》封面人物。 这样的故事听得越多,国内的民营科技企业家们就越是心痒难耐,尤其是耳闻目睹了手握重金的境外风险投资商纷纷进驻中国大陆之后。可是真正获得风险投资的内地企业数量却很少,有幸到海外上市的更是凤毛麟角。 这就好像情窦初开的小伙子看上了邻家的漂亮姑娘,但却笨嘴拙舌地不知该如何赢得姑娘的芳心。在这种背景下,请让我们听听IDG、雷曼兄弟、SOFTBANK
A small company was valued by a venture capitalist. After its packaging operation, it was listed on the NASDAQ. After a year and a half, its market value has hit tens of billions and its name became the cover of the Times. The more we hear about such stories, the more the private technology entrepreneurs in China will feel embarrassed. In particular, they have witnessed the overseas venture capitalists holding large amounts of funds have entered the mainland China one after another. However, the number of Mainland enterprises that have really acquired venture capital is very small. Fortunately, there are few overseas listed companies. It is as if the young man who started his eyelid spotted the pretty girl next door but did not know how to win the girl’s heart. In this context, let us listen to IDG, Lehman Brothers, SOFTBANK