预应力混凝土结构较普通钢筋混凝土结构能节省材料,减轻结构自重,并且可以提高结构的刚度、抗裂度和耐久性。目前预应力混凝土已成为我国最有发展前途的一种结构材料。本文主要谈谈先张法预应力空心板施工中的几个要点。1 台座先张法墩式台座结构的承力台座须具有足够的强度和刚度,其抗倾覆安全系数不小于1.5,抗滑移系数不小于1.3。横梁须具有足够的刚度,受力后挠度应不大于2mm,在台座上铺放预应力筋时,应采取措施防止沾污预应力筋。横梁及各项张拉设备应进行详细检查,符合要求后方可进行张拉操作。
Prestressed concrete structures save material, reduce structural weight, and increase structural stiffness, crack resistance and durability over conventional reinforced concrete structures. At present, prestressed concrete has become one of the most promising structural materials in our country. This article mainly talk about the first Zhang prestressed hollow slab construction several points. 1 pedestal First step method pier pedestal bearing structure must have sufficient strength and stiffness, anti-overturning safety factor of not less than 1.5, anti-slip coefficient of not less than 1.3. Beams must have sufficient rigidity, after deflection force should not be greater than 2mm, prestressed tendons laid on the pedestal, should take measures to prevent contamination of tendons. Beam and the tensioning equipment should be detailed examination, in line with the requirements before the operation can be carried out.