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苗木移植时,由于部分根系被截断,根部吸收水分和无机盐的能力大大削弱,不能满足原有枝叶对水分和无机盐的需求,所以在移植时必须对枝叶进行适当的修剪,以节制水分蒸发和营养消耗,维持根的吸收能力与叶面消耗量的平衡,这样才有利于提高苗木移植成活率。枝叶丰满的深根性常绿乔木,如香樟、女贞等,出圃时根系损伤更多枝叶蒸发量又大,所以移植时要疏剪去密集枝、交叉枝等,保持冠形圆满为准。落叶树种如杨、榆、悬铃木、国槐等则要求重剪。修剪量的多少,除因树种不同、规格大小的差异,还应考虑当地气候条件、水土条件。一般来说,枝叶丰满、须根少的深根性树种修剪量要大,移植季节气候干燥、种植地瘠薄的情况 Seedlings transplanted, as part of the root system is cut off, the ability to absorb water and inorganic salts at the root greatly weakened, can not meet the original needs of the branches and leaves of water and inorganic salts, so the branches must be properly transplanted in order to control moisture evaporation And nutrition consumption, to maintain the balance of root absorption capacity and leaf consumption, which will help to improve the survival rate of seedling transplantation. Plump deep rooted evergreen branches and leaves, such as camphor, privet, etc., when the root nursery injury more leaves and large evaporation, it is necessary to pruning to transplant dense branches, cross branches, etc., to maintain the crown-shaped perfection. Deciduous tree species such as Yang, Yu, Platanus, Sophora japonica and other requirements are heavy shear. The amount of pruning, in addition to different species, size differences, but also consider the local climatic conditions, soil and water conditions. In general, the plump foliage, root-less deep root pruning should be large, dry season transplant, barren land conditions
保树割漆,在我国有着悠久的历史。此方法主要是保护树皮的产漆系统。从多年采割的历史经验和现在对树皮的解剖表明,应注意以下几个方面; 一、刮粗皮:刮粗皮是存放水时,在放
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