转眼之间,入世已届三年。就在今年年底以前,随着国内大部分产业的保护过渡措施到期,一个被称为“入世后过渡期”的新阶段将来临。显而易见,在即将跨入的后过渡期里,一些深层次影响将逐渐显现和加深,对浙江而言,这既是战略机遇,更是严峻挑战。回顾入世三年,浙江 GDP 持续高速增长,对外经济贸易的变化更加突出。统计数据显示:浙江外贸出口2002年接近300亿美元,2003年突破400亿美元,2004年1—10月达465.7亿美元,全年有望突破500亿美元。而从1980年开始,浙江用了18年时间出口额才达到百亿美元。三年间,浙江利用外资(合同),从2001年的50.2亿美元猛增到2003年的120.5亿美元,年均增幅为68.8%,远高于全国同期22.4%的水平,合同外
In an instant, the WTO has been three years. Just before the end of this year, with the expiration of the transitional protection measure for most industries in China, a new phase called “transition period after accession to the WTO” will come. Obviously, some deep-seated effects will gradually emerge and deepen in the coming post-transition period. To Zhejiang, this is both a strategic opportunity and a severe challenge. Looking back three years after China’s accession to the WTO, the GDP of Zhejiang Province has continued to grow rapidly and its changes in foreign economic relations and trade have become even more prominent. Statistics show that: Zhejiang’s foreign trade exports hit nearly 30 billion U.S. dollars in 2002, 40 billion U.S. dollars in 2003, 46.57 billion U.S. dollars in January-October 2004 and an expected annual breakthrough of 50 billion U.S. dollars. Since 1980, Zhejiang took 18 years to reach 10 billion U.S. dollars in exports. In the past three years, Zhejiang’s use of foreign investment (contract) soared from 5.02 billion U.S. dollars in 2001 to 12.05 billion U.S. dollars in 2003, an average annual increase of 68.8%, much higher than the level of 22.4% in the same period of the whole country.