Overexpression of p28/gankyrin in human hepatocellular carcinoma and its clinical significance

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Tianzhh
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AIM:To investigate the expression of p28/gankyringene and its role in the carcinogenetic process of humanhepatocellular carcinoma(HCC).METHODS:64 specimens of HCC and para-carcinomatissues,22 specimens of non-tumor liver tissues(7normal,15 cirrhosis),10 specimens of normal humantissues and 5 hepatoma cell lines were studied for theexpression of p28/gankyrin by Northern blot.Theexpression of p28/gankyrin protein was detectedimmunohistochemically by using the specificpolyclonal antibody.RESULTS:Northern blot analysis indicated that theexpression of p28/gankyrin mRNA was intensivelydistributed in brain and heart,weakly in lung,spleenand muscle,undetectable in digestive system includingliver,pancreas,stomach,small and large intestines.p28/gankyrin mRNA was absent in normal liver,weaklydetected in liver cirrhosis and in 18 of 64 para-carcinoma liver tissues.In contrast,the expression ofp28/gankyrin mRNA was intensively detected in all 5hepatoma cell lines tested,markedly increased in 57of 64 and moderately increased in 5 of 64 HCC samples.In comparison with liver cirrhosis and para-carcinomaliver tissues,the average expression of p28/gankyrin mRNA in HCC was increased 3.6-(2.901±0.507 vs 0.805±0.252,P<0.05)and 5.2-fold(2.901±0.507 vs 0.557±0.203,p<0.01),respectively.Inaddition,p28/gankyrin mRNA expression level washigher in HCC with portal vein tumor thrombus andmicroscopic hepatic vein involvement(P=0.021 andP=0.047,respectively).The overexpression of p28/gankyrin protein in HCC was targeted in hepatic tumorcells,not in bile duct cells and other interstitial cells.CONCLUSION:Overexpression of p28/gankyrin in HCC plays an important role and contributes to themetastasis potential in the process of carcinogenesis.p28/gankyrin may become a specific biological tissuemarker for the pathological diagnosis of HCC. AIM: To investigate the expression of p28 / gankyringene and its role in the carcinogenetic process of human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). METHODS: 64 specimens of HCC and para-carcinomatissues, 22 specimens of non-tumor liver tissues (7normal, 15 cirrhosis) 10 specimens of normal humantissues and 5 hepatoma cell lines were studied for the expression of p28 / gankyrin by Northern blot. The expression of p28 / gankyrin protein was detected immunohistochemically by using the specific polyclonal antibody .RESULTS: Northern blot analysis indicated that the expression of p28 / gankyrin mRNA was intensively distributed in the brain and heart, weakly in lung, spleen and muscle, undetectable in digestive system includingliver, pancreas, stomach, small and large intestines .p28 / gankyrin mRNA was absent in normal liver, weaklydetected in liver cirrhosis and in 18 of 64 para-carcinoma liver tissues.In contrast, the expression ofp28 / gankyrin mRNA was was intensively detected in all 5hepatoma cell lines tested, markedly increased in 57 of 6 4 and moderately increased in 5 of 64 HCC samples.In comparison with liver cirrhosis and para-carcinomaliver tissues, the average expression of p28 / gankyrin mRNA in HCC was increased 3.6- (2.901 ± 0.507 vs 0.805 ± 0.252, P <0.05) and 5.2-fold (2.901 ± 0.507 vs 0.557 ± 0.203, p <0.01), respectively. Adventary, p28 / gankyrin mRNA expression level washigher in HCC with portal vein tumor thrombus androscopic hepatic vein involvement (P = 0.021 and P = 0.047, respectively). The overexpression of p28 / gankyrin protein in HCC was targeted in hepatic tumor cells, not in bile duct cells and other interstitial cells. CONCLUSION: Overexpression of p28 / gankyrin in HCC plays an important role and contribution to to target tautasis potential in the process of carcinogenesis. P28 / gankyrin may become a specific biological tissue marker for the pathological diagnosis of HCC.
AIM:To study the apoptosis of hepatoma cells SMMC-7721induced by polysaccharide isolated from Ginkgo biloba seed.METHODS:Ginkgo biloba seed polysaccharide(GBSP
老戏骨李雪健的影视作品一大堆,就电视剧而言,印象较深的大约有这么几部:1998年版《水浒传》中的宋江,《新上海滩》中的冯敬尧,《誓言今生》中的晏先生。这些角色戏分均非最重,但在剧中所起到的作用都是四两拔千斤。本剧中,李雪健出演的刘二铁——一位老年痴呆患者,基本上延续了上述作品的风格。  按照李雪健自己的说法,十多年来一直想同导演杨亚洲合作拍部电视剧,一直没逮到个合适的机会,这次没怎么看剧本就接下来
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