〈专利号:ZL99220425.9〉综合信息 用于货物运输、存储、配送的一种组合式包装箱,是由处于箱体框架部位承传包装件载荷的梁柱件上所设置的芯杆、翅边或型槽与箱板连接紧固构成箱体,一改现行本包装箱用钢钉、金属箱用铆焊、瓦楞纸板箱用折叠·订合的连接紧固技术
General Information A combined type of packing box used for the transportation, storage and distribution of goods is composed of a core rod, Edge or groove connected with the tank plate to form a box fastening, changed the current use of the package with steel nails, metal box with riveting, corrugated cardboard boxes with folding connection fixed fastening technology