More than 200 years ago, Franklin (1709-1790) said in the coming years: “The knowledge of mankind will greatly increase, and new inventions that we can not think of today will appear frequently. Sometimes I almost regret that I was born too early to be able to Know what will happen. ”As Franklin put it, science and technology are unthinkable. In the 20th century, the scientific and technological revolution represented by the invention of relativity, quantum theory, DNA double helix structure and computer and Internet invented a brand new science and technology foundation for the development of the modern world. In the 21st century, science and technology will be the dominant force in the social revolution and development of humankind, represented by the breakthroughs in species science and life sciences, and the extensive application of biotechnology, information technology and nanotechnology. The next 100 years of development will be equivalent to that of human beings The current speed of 15,000 years of development created by the brilliant.