为了探明不同采摘期杏李(Prunus simonii Carrière)“味厚”品种品质变化规律和其采收期,以杏李“味厚”品种果实为试验材料,对不同采摘期的果实品质指标进行测定并使用SSR法进行差异显著性分析。在8月17日至9月24日期间,对不同时间采收果实进行分析。结果表明,其果实的果形指数变化不大;果肉和皮颜色没有变化;果实质地呈现由脆变松软,口味也发生较大变化,由酸变酸甜到较甜;pH值呈下降趋势;水分含量呈下降趋势;可溶性固形物呈增加趋势,含量由16%增加到22%;可滴定酸含量由1.35%下降至0.76%;硬度呈下降趋势,由12.23kg/cm2降低到4.2kg/cm2;固酸比呈增加趋势,由11.83增加到26.99。在阿克苏地区应选择9月7日至9月17日作为贮藏的采收期,9月17日为果实成熟的采收期。
In order to find out the regularity of quality variation and harvest time of Prunus simonii Carrière and its harvest time, the fruits of Prunus simonii Carrière (Prunus simonii Carrière) Quality indicators were measured and the use of SSR method for significant difference analysis. From August 17 to September 24, the fruit harvested at different times was analyzed. The results showed that the fruit shape index did not change much; the color of the flesh and skin did not change; the texture of the fruit presented a crisp and soft texture, the taste also changed greatly, The content of soluble solids increased from 16% to 22%; the titratable acid content decreased from 1.35% to 0.76%; the hardness decreased gradually from 12.23kg / cm2 to 4.2kg / cm2 The solid-acid ratio showed an increasing trend from 11.83 to 26.99. In the Aksu region should be selected September 7 to September 17 as a storage harvest period, September 17 ripening harvest period.