公元两千零二年的夏天,那个炎热的夏天,六月,我怀着忐忑的心情进入了《少女穆然》的摄制组。 我能进入《少》剧,纯属机会偶然。那时候,我刚刚演完中央台的《追梦组合》正沉浸在青春校园剧的欣喜与畅想当中。就在这个时候,白羽导演打来了电话。说有个电影,是反映一个得了癌症的女孩子如何坚强,如何面对死神的……我一听便来了兴趣,从那一刻开始,我便对这个叫张穆然的女孩子起了一种由衷的敬佩……便欣然前往。和我竞争这个角色的一共有三个女孩子。其余的两个全是专业院校的学生,而我……我心里开始打怵。“我行吗?”我自己问自己。编剧陆离老师已经开始和我们讲述张穆然的经历,说不上什么时候,我的眼
In the summer of 2002, the hot summer, in June, I entered the filming group of “Maid Muren” with a fickle mood. I can enter “less” drama, purely by chance. At that time, I just finished playing CCTV “Dream Mix” is immersed in the joy of youth campus play and Imagination. At this time, white feather director called. Say there is a movie that reflects how a girl who gets a cancer is strong and how to deal with death ... I am interested in it, and from that moment on, I have a heartfelt mind about this girl named Zhang Muran. Admiration ... ... we are pleased to go. A total of three girls who compete with me for this role. The rest of the two are all students of professional colleges, and I ... ... my heart began to fight. “Me?” I asked myself. Screenwriter Lu from the teacher has begun to tell us about Zhang Muran’s experience, can not tell when my eyes