【作家简介】:伊恩·麦克尤恩(Ian Mc Ewan)是当代英国文坛最具影响力的作家之一。他1948年出生于伦敦西南部的小镇奥尔德肖特(Aldershot),父亲是一位军人,曾参加过敦刻尔克战役。童年的麦克尤恩曾跟随父亲辗转于东亚、德国和北非等地,1959年返回英国,在一所寄宿学校读书,同学大都来自破碎的家庭,粗鲁而残暴。在孤寂的中学时代,麦克尤恩沉浸于文学的世界,大量阅读格雷厄姆·格林(Graham Greene)和艾丽丝·默多克(Iris Murdoch)等作家的作品,希望通过文学改变自
[Writer Profile]: Ian McEwan is one of the most influential writers in contemporary British literature. Born in 1948 in Aldershot, a small town in southwestern London, he was a soldier and participated in the Battle of Dunkirk. In his childhood, McEwan followed his father in East Asia, Germany and North Africa. He returned to England in 1959 and studied at a boarding school. Most of his classmates were from ruined families, rude and brutal. In the midst of lonely middle school, McEwan immersed himself in the world of literature, read a large number of writers such as Graham Greene and Iris Murdoch,