From 1982 to 1985, we observed the number of parallel veins from the base to the tip of the main stem leaf in different wheat sowing dates in Beijing. It was found that the number of leaf veins on the first three leaves of 25 varieties was increased by an arithmetic progression. The number of leaf veins on the fourth and fifth leaves of the spring type varieties increased greatly compared with that of the third leaf. The number of the veins on the fourth and fifth leaves of the main stem of the winter-type varieties increased more gently than the third leaf. According to the difference of leaf veins in the 5th and 3rd leaves of the main stem, cluster analysis was carried out by the least square deviation method and the ecotype classification system was established. In a series of 10 ecotypes of continuous grades, the winteriness gradually weakened and the springiness gradually increased. For any species, as long as the leaf veins are counted, the ecotype can be judged.